For more than 30 years, NWA has been providing public and private sector organisations with the data required to plan and deliver top quality services and develop effective marketing and communication strategies.
We helped pioneer STAR and LG Inform – the national standard survey and benchmarking systems for housing associations and councils/fire & rescue authorities. Our in-depth experience in social and market research, combined with professional expertise, gives us an outstanding ability to understand clients’ needs and customise best value solutions.
We provide a total service, ranging from the design and delivery of surveys, through data analysis and interpretation to reports, recommendations and presentations. Areas of specialist expertise include:
- Housing Associations (STAR)
- Councils and Fire & Rescue Services (LG Inform)
- Residential Care & Nursing Homes
- Domiciliary Care
- Schools & Colleges (Social Norms)
Products & Services
Postal surveys
Door-to-door surveys
Telephone surveys
Citizens’ Panels
Focus Groups
In-depth Interviews
Hall Tests
Online surveys/e-consultations
Street intercept surveys
Mystery Shopping
One-to-one interviews
Community Workshops Citizens’ Juries
Public Meetings
Staff Surveys