We have the proven ability to gather and analyse data that supports strategic decision-making, then present it in formats that meet the needs of senior decision makers, board members and managers, yet also resonate with front line staff, tenants and residents.
Our highly qualified staff and associates are continually seeking to:-
– adapt and apply new data gathering and analysis techniques and technologies;
– refine the ways in which we present information to our clients;
– ensure clients can benchmark performance against their own historic performance and the performance of similar organisations on a regional or national basis.
NWA is a Market Research Society (MRS) Accredited Centre.
We have been undertaking large scale resident surveys since our formation in1989, using the full range of survey methodologies. This experience enables us to work closely with our clients, identifying data requirements then applying the optimum combination of methodologies – eg postal, telephone, on-line, face to face and focus group – to provide best value solutions.
We also have extensive experience of conducting staff surveys as part of STAR and LG Inform. These can an range from annual survey ‘marathons’ to monthly focus group ‘sprints’, depending on the structure and culture of an organisation and its aims and objectives.
Data Analysis
Over the years, we have been particularly successful in adapting cutting edge analysis techniques developed for one sector to provide clients in other sectors with a clearer insight into their own organisation.
We routinely present information in Quadrant Analysis (two dimension XY plot) format, which sets the issues rated most important by service recipients against those perceived by the service provider as needing change/improvement. This allows clients to focus resources on issues that are in greatest need of improvement. QA also flags up issues which may not need urgent improvement but still require close monitoring.
Key Driver Analysis enables us to identify those issues that contribute most to recipients’ satisfaction with the client’s overall service or a specific aspect of it. This allows us to recommend how limited resources can be best utilised.
Net Promoter Scores has become a universal tool for measuring the quality of the relationship between the recipients of a service and the service provider. It is based on the simple question ‘On a score of 0 to 10 how strongly would you recommend the services of ………… to your family and friends.’
We also make appropriate use of IBM SPSS predictive analytics software, to support decision making and problem solving.
Reports and Presentations
We continually work to develop and refine the ways in which we present the data we have gathered, analysed and processed from large-scale resident surveys so that it is easily accessible to our client. We will summarise the differences between sub-groups – demographic or geographic – and identify changes from previous surveys.
In addition to comprehensive written reports, we will also organise presentations and Q & A sessions to help staff at all levels understand the significance of the research and engage with it.
Our aims are to help clients understand their own strengths and weaknesses and give them greater insight into the priorities of the people they serve. In the case of STAR and LG Inform surveys, we also enable housing associations, local authorities and fire services to benchmark their services against similar organisations throughout the country.